Business conducted between merchants and between merchants and consumers is governed by commercial law to handle such issues as: The sale of goods and services, negotiable instruments, security interests, leases, relationships between principal and agent, carriage contracts and more. Commercial law also encompasses business bankruptcy, tax planning and related issues.

Day-to-day general business operations rely on enforceable contracts, workable systems for legal risk and compliance management with multiple regulatory requirements. Bendig Klassen Raas Coertze Law Group identifies potential risks and assists clients in dealing with them appropriately. We examine the big picture and offer advice tailored to the client’s situation to help them solve their issues.

As such, we work closely with both small and large businesses based in Saskatchewan (owner-operated as well as public organizations), both domestic and global companies.

We have strong regional knowledge of central and northern Canada and are well-versed in our local markets and their industry stakeholders.

Book an Appointment Today!

If you are in Prince Albert, SK area and looking for a commercial lawyer, give us a call. We’ll get you started with a private, confidential consultation and provide you with the legal representation you deserve from an experienced commercial lawyer.


Bendig Klassen Raas Coertze Law Office can get to the root of your legal issue to solve your commercial dispute including:

  • Shareholder disputes and oppression.
  • Partnership disputes.
  • Bankruptcy and insolvency.
  • Banking litigation.
  • Securities Litigation.
  • Insurance and professional liability.


We have experience handling complex and challenging, high-profile cases to resolve your commercial dispute.

  • Expertise in complex litigation and commercial disputes.
  • Results-oriented and qualified lawyers.
  • A strong, diverse legal team.